DDB's 5th Anniversary Letter from the Founder:
Let's Celebrate, Plan Ahead, Forge the Way!
Meet Levi, one of the estimated 300+ chained or penned dogs rescued by DDB area reps and volunteers since August 2006.
I rescued Levi, an AKC-registered cocker spaniel, from his chained existence in Bellwood, Pennsylvania just two short months ago. Levi's existed on that chain for 10 years of his life, but you'd never guess it from the spring in his step, the daily joy he exhibits, or the forgiveness he musters for the failings of humankind--failings that cost him most of his adult life.
As I took photos and video of Levi on the chain prior to bringing him home, I was most struck by his sense of continued hope; hope that, even after 10 years, showed no signs of dying. He paced back and forth between his bedraggled doghouse with its 'Beware of Dog' sign (were they joking?) and me, dragging his chain along behind him, and what did he do every few seconds?
Stopped, then with longing, and yes, HOPE, looked toward the house, waiting for someone from his 'pack' to come out and bring him home.
For as he and I both knew, although they'd given Levi a house, they'd never given him a home. (This is the theme of our new brochure, debuting soon.)
How many times had he looked for them in the past 10 years, I wonder? If I conservatively (very conservatively) estimate it at 20x a day, Levi had looked at that house with hope 73,000 times in the past 10 years!
73,000 times.
There are many more than 73,000 chained and penned dogs across America, the world. If even 73,000 dogs look with hope for their family to bring them home 73,000 times in their lifetime, the dogs we work for are heartbroken over 5 BILLION times in just 10 years!
This situation MUST end.
We can accomplish our happy ending most quickly by aggressive legislative changes. California, Texas, and Connecticut have limits on tethering, along with over 100 others cities and counties nationwide. In 2007 there were tethering bills proposed in 14 states. Bills failed in Virginia, Maine, Nevada, West Virginia, and Tennessee. Maryland’s passed but got so watered down it lost its tethering limits. Bills are still alive in North Carolina, South Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, with Rhode Island’s being ‘held over’. If you’re from one of these states, PLEASE contact your local representative to tell them to support the bill.
Read the bill updates
We’ll continue our fencing, education, and rescue and rehabilitation efforts, as well as our stand against all chaining and dog fighting.
We're coming off a MAJOR success with our Chain Off 2007, Unchain the 50, in which we had 108 people in 36 states living chained to doghouses. These 108 people brought in over 200 media hits and over $20,000 in funds for the chained dogs! Lisa Michelson Kukowski of Texas was our winner of $100 worth of DDB materials, bringing in over $1900 in funds. She also pushed Texas to an overall total win, which means a billboard in an area of heavy chaining, just in time for the new law to take effect.
New years are always new beginnings, and a time for gratitude for the good from the previous year. Here's my 'Top Ten' Gratitude list for Dogs Deserve Better for our 5th Anniversary:
1. Doogie was safe, alive, and had six months with a wonderful foster mom! That made everything that has come since worth it.
2. DDB's amazing area reps, who work so hard on their free time to make a difference for chained dogs. I love you guys.
3. That 108 people cared enough to risk looking foolish on the end of a chain to make a difference for those who can't leave when they're done. Bravo to all of you.
4. The 'anonymous donor' who planted a seed of funds for the Dogs Deserve Better Rehab and Training Center for chained dogs. May it continue to grow...(More to come soon!)
5. The 300+ chained dogs who were rescued directly by DDB members and reps, fostered, and found new, inside homes and families.
6. The many dogs who were able to stay with their families through our help with housetraining and fencing.
7. The invitations DDB has been getting to speak and exhibit at major conferences nationwide.
8. Levi, our little AKC Cocker Spaniel rescue, and the opportunities that provides as we continue to push for better laws for chained dogs.
9. The thousands of donors who keep DDB afloat. Many say they are upset that all they can do is send funds. You are needed! Many others can help but cannot fund, so those who can fund our efforts are very, very much appreciated.
10. Every single opportunity to help a chained dog. Every success makes the failures fade just a tiny bit!
The Importance of Membership
I'm only just now realizing how important membership is to Dogs Deserve Better as an organization. To you it may add up to a donation with a few side benefits, but to us it provides some measure of sway with the media and other organizations. We're frequently asked what our membership is, and our immediate goal is to double our membership, from 3500 to 7000 (or 100,000, hey, we don't want to limit ourselves)...the greater numbers we show behind our efforts, the more seriously our efforts will be taken. Can you help by becoming a member of Dogs Deserve Better today? Please join today, and ask your family and friends to join, too.
To Celebrate our 5th Anniversary, We've got some New Stuff for YOU to Enjoy!
Buy NOW from our Cafepress Store, because we've just found out they're upping Prices Soon on all items with printing both front and back, which we like to do to get more 'bang' for your buck. For now this costs you NO MORE, but within the next week or so, that price will be going up $3.00...so buy your favorite items NOW before it's too late!
No Chaining, No Fighting Attire
PLEASE Join Dogs Deserve Better today! We have a chance to change the future. With your help, we can let the world know animal abuse MUST be taken seriously. Don't sit back and let it happen. If we DON'T stand up, this practice WILL NOT END. Please get involved today.
Tammy Grimes
Founder, Dogs Deserve Better