OK, folks, it's time to get serious. By now you must know about our Chain Off 2006 contest, if not, check out www.dogsdeservebetter.org.
Since we haven't been able to find a sponsor for our event, we've determined that either we at DDB are the world's WORST salespeople (and we are), or potential sponsors for our Chain Off 2006 event find us too 'risky' to sponsor.
In either case, we CANNOT and MUST NOT let that stop us from holding an event that in and of itself could bring our issue MORE AWARENESS in two weeks than its gotten in the 4 years since our inception! Isn't that worth an investment of $30,000?
To put it in perspective, $30,000 could buy us vetting for 100 chained dogs. Which would be great, as we are always in need of vet money, but then where would we put them? At this point foster homes are a more valuable commodity than vet money! And, we would only be putting a band-aid on the issue. We need awareness, legislation, and education more, so that people are motivated to take responsibility for their OWN dog. We need them to realize it's not ok, and it's not accepted by our society. This event would help change minds.
$30,000 would buy us 60 billboards. This could saturate one county or city of the country pretty well, but then what about the rest of the country? We need a nationwide event that will help the WHOLE country, not just a small part of it.This event would help change minds.
We could buy 200 fences with $30,000...once again, it would be great, but it's a band-aid. We need awareness, legislation, and education more. This event would help change minds.
$30,000 couldn't even begin to touch a national print ad campaign, or tv commercial compaign. To be effective those would both take 5 times that much money just to get started!
So, SINCE we've CONVINCED YOU of the importance of holding our Chain Off Contest, and we are apparently the world's worst salespeople, we must bring our plea to you, the individuals who love their dog. Picture your dog out on a chain for even one day. If that thought is repulsive to you, know that there are as many as 10,000 others that look just like your dog, your breed, your baby, living chained out there right now. In other circumstances, that could and would be YOUR dog living out there today. Please, don't turn a blind eye to this issue. Your dog, your favorite breed is as affected as the others.
So what can you do?
It's simple: All we need is 10,000 people to send us $3 each. That's it!
Surely, surely, there are 10,000 people out there in the U.S. who believe that dogs should live inside with the family and love dogs enough to give $3? Please DON'T prove us wrong, or we will indeed be heartbroken.
So, here's the plan:
You send $3 to P.O. Box 23, Tipton, PA 16684 (or send via the paypal link below). You make sure two of your friends send $3 to P.O. Box 23, Tipton, PA 16684. If they don't want to be on any mailing list, (which we DON'T sell, btw), they can just mail 3-$1 bills in an unmarked envelope (yes, it WILL still need a stamp), and they can remain anonymous.
If you're reading this, you care enough to make this happen...so please, stand over your friends to ensure that the envelope makes it to the mailbox. The road to hell is paved with good intentions!
So, now that THAT's out of the way and you've put your $3 in the mailbox (you did, didn't you?), we have a couple fun contests to encourage you to seek event sponsors (we don't give up easily!):
1. The Biggest Failure
Everyone hates to fail, right? So that's why none of us ask as much as we should. Helen Mueller, who just stepped up to help us with the event, told us something very memorable. She said "Every NO I get, I say, good, that means I'm ONE STEP closer to my YES!"
In this contest, we will make it fun for you to fail, and fail BIG! Whoever gets a NO from the most famous person or company will win their name and photo on the website, as well as a selection of their choice from our cafepress store (up to a $50.00 value.)
So far Tammy Grimes has the biggest star-power NO, from Jason Reitman, director of the recently released movie "Thank You for Smoking". When asked if he could sponsor, he replied, "I love my dogs, but I don't have time for this right now." (Don't have time to write a check? Hey, at least he responded.) So, Jason Reitman is the current star to beat! BTW, a no reply doesn't count...you have to receive an actual NO. If we had $1 for every time we received no response to a request for help, we would have our training center built by now...
Rocky Shepheard has a NO from Animal Planet, who said it sounded like a great idea, but they just weren't interested. So on the corporate side, beat Animal Planet.
Just download this letter, and send it or your own letter plea (since ours doesn't seem to work!) to as many stars/companies as you possibly can. When you get a NO, forward it to Tammy@dogsdeservebetter.org. We will compile a list of our NOs; the board of directors will vote on the best NO, and one of you will WIN for being the biggest failure. Pretty cool, huh?
2. The Biggest Success
If one of you actually SUCCEEDS to find a major sponsor where we've failed, not only will we KISS your feet, but we will pay to bring you to the event if you'd like to come, put your name, photo, and story on the site, and give you three items of your choice from our cafepress store.
3. The Biggest Gatherer
Whoever gathers $3 donations from the MOST people and forwards them to us will win their name and photo on the site, plus an item of their choice from our cafepress store. Just use this form in .pdf to gather names and $3 (or MORE!) donations, and send them in to us at P.O. Box 23, Tipton, PA 16684.
That's the plan. If you have questions, or you DO happen to succeed, call us immediately at 814.941.7447. We'll start the party right away...you're all invited!
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