The first 100 supporters to arrive will receive a NEW I'm Standing Up for Doogie button, as well as a FREE Yard Sign, Calendar and Car Magnet. Coming in from out of town? To see Altoona hotels and motels, visit the site.
Motel 6 is the cheapest, at 814.946.7601.
The courthouse address is 423 Allegheny Street, Hollidaysburg, PA 16648. Keep in mind that although we have this hearing, it does not mean the charges will be dismissed. There is still the very real possibility that we are going to a jury trial. We NEED to raise our voices and BE HEARD! It is absolutely ridiculous that in Pennsylvania one can abuse a dog despite existing cruelty laws, allowing it to lay chained, unable to stand, and on the ground for three days and NOT pay a price for that abuse.
It is unconscionable what this case is teaching our children. We must continue to fight, not only for Doogie, but for all chained dogs in Pennsylvania and around the U.S. And for our children, who may in the future have to make the same choices Tammy has made; choices which no one should have to make.
Download the flyer for the rally
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