"When the Circle of Compassion Extends to All"
Receives Honorable Mention in Pennsylvania Art Show
May 19-20, 2007
Tipton, PA, May 15, 2007—Tammy Grimes, artist and founder of Dogs Deserve Better, has won Honorable Mention for her work memorializing a chained and dying dog at the Blair County Arts Festival in Altoona, Pennsylvania. She will receive the award at a banquet honoring the winners at the Penn State Altoona Arts Center Thursday, May 17th.
Grimes, scheduled to stand jury trial in June 2007 after her arrest for helping the dog who lay chained and unable to stand, created the piece as a tribute to Doogie and all others like him suffering and dying in backyards across America.
"When the Circle of Compassion Extends to All" puts forth the questions uppermost on the minds of Grimes and her supporters: "How long must we wait until the Circle of Compassion extends to ALL? How long must we wait until life is more valuable than property?"
States Grimes, "I am deeply moved by the Honorable Mention for Circle of Compassion, and very thankful that the emotion put into the piece was visible and noticed. I will always be proud of coming to the aid of Doogie, and I know if he could thank me, he would. Nothing man can do to me could ever take that feeling away."
Grimes holds a B.A. in Visual Art and Design from the University of Maryland, and a B.A. in Naturology from AIHT. She is currently pursuing a Master's in Naturology from AIHT, as well as working as an artist and Executive Director of Dogs Deserve Better.
50% of all profits from sales of "When the Circle of Compassion Extends to ALL" will benefit Dogs Deserve Better through June 2007. Other art sales continue to donate 20% of proceeds. The artwork can be viewed at http://www.littlegirllooking.com/circlecompassion.html.
Grimes can be reached at 814.941.7447 or Tammy@littlegirllooking.com for comment, and is available for art shows, commissioned works, or interviews.
Dogs Deserve Better was founded in 2002, is an international nonprofit with 150 area reps in the U.S., France, and Canada, and works to bring dogs out of the backyard into the home and family. The site can be viewed at http://www.dogsdeservebetter.org.
Note: Members of the press may obtain a hi-res image for print or television by e-mailing Tammy@littlegirllooking.com
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