Did you EVER in a million years think we'd get 26 states and 65 people? Plus British Columbia? Probably not. But we believed, and now others are joining us, because they know this is our time to win, this is our time to succeed for chained and penned dogs everywhere.
So now that we've done that, why can't we get 50 states and 110 people? Let's do it!
Be sure to sponsor an hour or more for YOUR favorite chaining volunteer! The volunteer who brings in the most sponsor money will get a $100 gift certificate to our DDB Cafepress store, and the state that brings in the most sponsor money will win a billboard to be placed in a location of heavy chaining in that state, so get in there and sponsor your favorites today.
Stats so far on the contest are as follows: Dawn Ashby, of Illinois is leading the pack in sponsor dollars, at $250.00. Barbi Cole is in second place with $230.00 in sponsor dollars. Sandy Lynn of Missouri is in third place with $200.00, and Tammy Grimes is in fourth with $199.00.
Do you want your state to get at least one billboard in an area of heavy chaining? Then sponsor the chaining volunteers in YOUR state! Virginia is currently in first place, followed by Illinois and Pennsylvania. (Please note: these stats are probably a day behind any internet donations, so if you've just donated, be patient as we are updating totals manually.)
Important Message #1: If you've volunteered for the event, please don't back out. Please check your information that is up on the website, and e-mail any changes or fill in the blanks to Dawn@dogsdeservebetter.org. If you feel you've volunteered but don't see your information up there, it may be because Dawn has not received a confirmation e-mail from you. Please e-mail her ASAP to get it cleared up so we can get your info up and add you to our totals.
Personal, Most Important Message #2 from Tammy: Dawn, the young whipper snapper upstart, has challenged me to a 'duel' in who can bring in the most sponsor dollars! I am currently lagging a pitiful $51 behind...and while I encourage all of you to sponsor a friend or someone from your state so you can compete for the billboard, if you don't want to see Dawn beat me, you may want to just jump over there and sponsor me for an hour or so too.
If you're among the group of people who voted for anyone BUT me in last year's Animal Planet Hero of the Year Award to make sure I didn't win, please help Dawn beat me by sponsoring her instead of me. (Evil grin...)
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