Tuesday, March 04, 2008

"Christian" Men, Animal Abuse, and Spouse Abuse in the Sneath Household

It feels like the abusers always win...I'm working out my anger at a world where the good guys lose (or girl in my case)!

I'm angry. I'm damn angry. I'm hopping mad, and it feels good! I'm declaring my independence from men, especially the abusive, back-stabbing, lying, truth-twisting kind...you know who you are. I wish every woman the same freedom.

If this video makes you uncomfortable, maybe you need to get in touch with your anger too. Women have been told for centuries that it's not ok for us to be angry. I believed it myself until RIGHT NOW. Not that I didn't get angry...but when I did I felt ashamed and tried to deny it. Now I'm embracing it. Try it!


Christian men who abuse both woman and animals number in the millions, I'd wager...most of those who chain their dogs are 'Christians', some are preachers, and spout off about God giving them dominance. My father abused animals and us, especially my mother, and he's now an ordained minister. It makes me sick! I believe in the God of love, not dominance and torture of those you consider 'beneath you'. I will continue to stand up for animals, because they have no voice.



Anonymous said...

i landed on this site because i have anger issues too! i am looking to talk with someone like tammy to see if we might help one another in some way.

Tamira Ci Thayne said...

Pastor Loren, I'd be happy to talk to you, but I see no way to reach you, so drop me a message please. Tami