Friday, September 05, 2008

Chaining Dogs, Good or Bad? It's a No Brainer

I don't normally ask for 'favors' from you all, but this one is so easy and can REALLY bring awareness to our cause. Based on video I've taken from my latest foster dog, I put together a very short, 45-second 'ad' for chained dogs and the work of Dogs Deserve Better. It's short and sweet, and If EVERYONE watches this ad and passes it along, it will get a ton of views and will start hitting 'your average joe' who doesn't even know about our cause.

Our vet bills are at an all-time high, with new requests for vet help from area reps coming along daily. We cannot fulfill all this need as it stands now! But if we are able to get people to really understand chaining dogs as an issue and start supporting this cause, we can meet the immense needs of our foster dogs.

So, please take one minute of your time for Chained Dogs! Watch this video, and then pass this along to your list and ask them to watch too. I would be very grateful, and so will the dogs we'll help.

Tamira Thayne, founder, Dogs Deserve Better
You can also donate at 877.636.1408

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