Vote for the DDB 2009 Calendar
Lovin'-Life" Cover Model of your Choice:
6 Choices, 6 Days to Vote, .60 Cents per Vote
Will it be Banshee, Daniel, Frankie, Job, Josh, or Marlee?
Welcome to our Second Annual Group Vote for the "Formerly-Chained-but Now Free-and Lovin'-Life" Dogs Deserve Better 2009 Calendar Model! Each dog pictured was rescued from a chained or penned life, and is now happy, loved, and FREE to enjoy life the way dogs were meant to as part of the family, with responsible and understanding caretakers.
The rules are simple: the dog with the most votes will be our 2009 Cover Model! (But don't worry...they will all find a place INSIDE the calendar.) Please limit your votes to 15 per person, in order to make the contest fair to all income levels...any votes over 15 per person will not be counted, but we'll be grateful for the additional donation! The last day to vote is October 16th, so hurry!
We're Gettin' Jiggy With It this Year! —
DDB 2008 Holiday Greeting Cards
We had a tough year at DDB...our economy what's the solution? Get Jiggy with It! Sometimes there's nothing you can do about bad things. They happen. And sometimes we just need to bring a little joy into our lives anyway; so we know it will be OK, that if we keep fighting for our own rights and the rights of dogs not to die at the end of a chain, that someday we will come out on top.
This year let's choose happiness, let's choose the vision that our dogs will be Dancing and Free this year!
Get them in batches of 12, 25, 40, or 50, with price breaks as you order more. Send a humane message wrapped in a beautiful and fungreeting card this Holiday Season.
This lighthearted art, donated by Rocky Shepheard, shows four Unchained Rescues dancing in their ballet slippers in the snow.
By purchasing your Jiggy holiday cards with our message, you too will spread the word about chained dogs in a feel-good way, shining your own light this holiday season.