As Election Day approaches, both candidates are filling the airwaves with talk of change...and here at DDB we're joining in by talking about some CHAIN-GE of our own!
Help us by using your spare Change to create some lasting CHAIN-GE for America's chained and penned dogs.
It's a simple but effective idea: Help Dogs Deserve Better through Election Day by taking all your spare change, tossing it in a jar, and saving it up through November 4th. If everyone on our e-mail list saved only $5.00 in change, an amount that won't be missed by ANYONE, we'd have over $25,000 dollars by November 4th! This would go a long way toward vetting dogs, building fences, and printing educational materials in preparation for the winter onslaught of dogs who are suffering and need our help.
So, on Election Day when you go out to vote for the Candidate you believe will bring the most Change, stop by your bank or grocery, change that change into dollar bills, and send it along to Dogs Deserve Better at P.O. Box 23, Tipton, PA, 16684.
Make sure you let us know it's for our Chain-ge We Can Count On Campaign, so we can total the amount raised, and give the individual sending in the most money a free Puddles Pak of her/his choice!
Join us today in turning that Change into Chain-ge for Chained Dogs!
In a downward economy such as we're facing right now, it's the smaller nonprofits who really suffer and whose programs really suffer. Nonprofits without a 'nest egg' of bequests (DDB has not as of this date received any major bequests to enable us to build a nest egg) that have built up over time cannot hope to make it through hard times when donations dry up.
Dogs Deserve Better has always put our funding to use as it comes in month to month, expanding programs as possible, expanding vet care, and expanding educational programs whenever funding permits. We feel it's our obligation to put our donor funds to the best possible use, and sitting on it doesn't do our 'clients' any good.
I personally pledge to you that Dogs Deserve Better will keep going no matter what. Our programs are already suffering, and we will continue to cut back as necessary, yet we will not quit.
If you are not suffering financially, now is the time to step up your support for smaller nonprofits, and hopefully Dogs Deserve Better. Our monthly donor programs start as low as $5.00-$10.00 a month (we all can give that much!), and can be set up through our paypal account or through our merchant account by calling us at 814.941.7447. Monthly donations form the basis of our monthly budget, and without that money to count on, we start at square one each and every month.
Remember Dogs Deserve Better in your will or planned giving. Your gift can help our dreams come true by building a Rehab Center for America's Chained and Penned dogs and helping us expand our services exponentially.
Support our fencing or vetting programs, or give a donation to the general fund which covers our educational materials and costs of mailing to homes with chained and penned dogs.
There's so much we need, there's so much we do, there's so much this nation would lose if Dogs Deserve Better were not here. We deserve to be here, and we will not stop no matter how bad the economy becomes.
On a personal note, just this month alone someone dropped a black lab boy at my home, probably due to a foreclosure, and Sweetpea, a foster dog who was in a home for a year and a half, came back due to the economy. These are unexpected costs and unexpected guests, but I could not turn these dogs away. In tough times, our 'clients', the chained and penned dogs, are suffering even more and need our help even more. But without funding we cannot make that happen.
So continue to support the work of Dogs Deserve Better. Save your change, and help us make CHAIN-GE. Thank you.
Tamira Ci Thayne, founder and CEO, Dogs Deserve Better
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