Monday, August 02, 2010

Day One, Operation Fido's Freedom: Thayne's on a Chain. A-Gain (pronounced with a long A there, you know, for rhyming purposes.)

Seems like I just got off a chain. I guess Chain Off was about a month ago now, though…it just sticks in your mind.

Well, we all know why I'm here, if you read my Open Letter to PA State Senators and House Reps…and you all know what I want.

And a big part of why I'm here is to inspire YOU ALL to take action on behalf of chained dogs…so please, please, please contact your reps, and contact them again, etc. They don't come back to session until September, but if we all pitch in, we can get them ready to take action by then.

First things first, though, let me just tell you that I made it eleven hours without peeing today! I know, that's personal information that you really were happier not knowing, but how can I not share a record like that? If you knew me, you'd indeed know how much of a miracle that really is!

Granted, I know it can't really be a good thing for my kidneys and bladder. But still, there it is, and now you know.

And, I want to know who's pea-brained idea it was for me to fast for the dogs who are starving on a chain with no way to get food for themselves as I type? I know it was mine, but still…now I'm starving (well, very hungry at least, I know I have a buffer that the chained dogs don't have before starvation sets in) too and I don't like it. Not one bit.

I'm on the record as against keeping up the not-peeing thing, which is problematic given that I shouldn't abandon my 'stuff' for the time it takes to tinkle, and can't see myself dragging a doghouse and chain into the nearest bathroom. The dogs have it made over me in that area, what with their ability to cop a squat wherever they damn well please…as long as it's within the 10 square feet of their doghouse, of course.

Right across the street from my doghouse (hey, maybe I could get an address for my house? Like on Harry Potter…Tamira Thayne, the doghouse in the shadow of the Capitol, Harrisburg, PA) there's two establishments, the Caffeine Connection and Sammy's Authentic Italian Restaurant. Maybe one or both of them will give me bathroom privileges in exchange for mentioning them repeatedly in my blog? Which won't be hard to do, given that I'm thirsting and starving to death, and I just stare longingly and with drool hanging down my chin across the street at their tantalizing signs all day.

Anyway, I hope I don't get a bladder infection. I got this dog off a chain once who was peeing blood in the snow. The vet said he'd just gone too long without enough water and it messed him up pretty bad in the kidney zone. He was one of the lucky ones who got off the chain, into rescue, and into a home where he was able to know love and live as part of the pack.

Each day I will sit for different dogs, dogs in different counties, etc. Today I started off for all those that have died on the end of a chain, and there are many that I know of—at least 5 I can think of right off the top of my head—that got old, and then just disappeared from this earth. Poor things. They never knew love, never knew laughter or hugs or a family to call their own. Rest in peace babies, we're fighting for you. We won't give up until others don't have to suffer the same fate that you did.

Odd or funny observations from today's chaining:

1. I sat down at numerous and sundry times on the oh-so-hard granite wall, but I'm confessing because it felt like cheating. But I don't think I can stop. My feet hurt too bad, and I can only pace for so long.

2. I wondered why the flags were at half-mast. I'm sure one of you smarty pants has an answer to this.

3. People were taking their lunchtime walks, going to Sammy's, and just taking their freedom for granted. Chained dogs deserve this too.

4. I didn't explain this one right in my 140 character tweet, so have to try again. Three foreign people, older people, came up and asked me in a heavy accent if I had quarters for parking. I said "No, I'm chained to this doghouse." They wanted to know why, so I explained it. The woman agreed with me, and took a paper. Then she said, "It would be good if you had coins too." lol

5. Note to self. Obviously, wearing white shirts in the rain isn't a good policy. Granted, Weatherbug said only a 30% chance today, but obviously the bug was wrong.

6. Really, really, REALLY not looking forward to that all day rain. I couldn't sit down at all, so I had to pace the whole time, and I think it rained for half hour…what am I going to do in the all day rain?

7. Joe came up and took pics for me, and I just wondered if I ever mentioned how much I love that man?

I'm SO glad I don't have to go back tomorrow…oh, shit, wait!

(If you want to follow my daily tweets during the chaining, follow me @tamirathayne. If you want to see more pics, etc., every evening, fan the campaign on facebook at Operation Fido's Freedom.

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