Thursday, November 02, 2006

Animal Welfare or Animal Rights?

Who knows the difference between animal rights and animal welfare? I for one never really knew and never really cared. I never had to think about it before now, since being attacked by so many people who claim to know what I'm about, what Dogs Deserve Better is about, what Best Friends is about. And they have it all wrong.

Here's what I believe, classify me where you will. I believe in dedicating myself to the welfare of chained dogs. I want the best for them, I want them to receive love, vet care, food, water, exercise, and family. Those are the things that matter to me. Those are the things in which chained dogs are lacking.

I believe in the rights of chained dogs. I believe they have the right to receive love, vet care, food, water, exercise, and family. Those are the things that matter to me. Those are the things in which chained dogs are lacking.

To me welfare and rights are one and the same. I believe if you love animals you should get out there and fight for them. Notice I said for THEM, not for YOU!

Someone told me they are starting a group for Owners Rights. Haven't owners had all the rights for thousands of years? How's that working out for our companions?

5 million animals a year are dying in shelters, because we have all the rights and they have none. An estimated 1 million dogs are living chained in America, because we have all the rights and they have none.

Doogie was to die at the end of his chain, because his 'owners' have all the rights, he has none. I was arrested because his owners have all the rights, he has none. Thousands of other Doogie's are dying out there right now because their 'owners' have all the rights, they have none.

I challenge anyone who thinks anti-tethering legislation goes too far and takes away THEIR rights to go live next to a chained dog for even a month and let me know how that works out for them.

I had a call from a woman in Tennessee this morning who cried the entire conversation. She is living next to a chained dog.

Until you live next to it you have NO IDEA what it is like to see on a daily basis. I would gladly give up any and all right to ever tether a dog again to save every other dog in America. I don't do that for ME, I do that for THEM. I'm an intelligent human being, I can always find another way. And so can you.

I challenge those who say they are welfare but mostly seem to go around attacking others without justification to put their money where their mouths are. Find a solution to the Doogie's of this world. Find a solution to the 5 million deaths in shelters each year. Instead of attacking those who are out here trying.

I for one would love to have only two dogs and two cats in my home right now, instead of 16 cats and 6 dogs.

I long for the day when I am lucky to have my two cats and two dogs, and get to spoil them and be grateful for them daily. Our companions deserve that, and so do we rescuers. We deserve the peace of knowing the job is done.

Be part of the solution, stop being part of the problem.

For the record: Dogs Deserve Better is AGAINST Breed Specific Legislation, and would propose anti-tethering legislation as a good alternative.

Best Friends is AGAINST Breed Specific Legislation, and is currently working up alternative models as a result of a conference on how to address the issue last weekend.

If you have a question about a group's beliefs, ask the group. Don't believe all the hooie you see thrown about on the net.


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