Saturday, May 10, 2008

My Children Want to be FREE

I am so tired of the repression that masquerades as NORMAL here in Backwoods, Country-F PA! I know it's elsewhere too...but I'm tired of being oppressed, repressed, and I'm tired of having to fight and losing every fight for myself and my children.

I'm tired of going to court, and I refuse to pay any more attorney's for my personal court cases which seem to show no end in sight, also for no damn good reason.

So far I've won one...and that was by letting my son go. Let's hope by continuing to stand up against our oppressors there will be more wins in my future! I do not want my children to suffer as I did.

My ex has been dragging me to court for over a year now, seeking custody of my children for no good reason but control, and now seeking to censor my art and DDB photos and videos that contain my daughter, even though she loves being in my art and on videos.

He currently has my daughter because I refused to go back to court with him.

He has already lost my son because of it, I set him free of the pain here to live with his father in California. We will not be controlled! Brynnan and Rayne have clearly stated their wants and needs, yet he does not listen. No man has the right to control his child or his wife. My children deserve, want, and need their own freedom of expression.

I will continue to fight for them to have that right above all.

Here's to FREEDOM!


Anonymous said...

I am sorry that a champion of dogs in need is having so many challengeds, when fighting for the 4-leggeds would be enough for a lifetime. Please, please keep up your fantastic, valuable work Tammy. There are thousands like me watching and admiring from afar.

From another fighter in Southern California

Anonymous said...

So sorry to here that a champion of desperate dogs also has so many personal challenges, when your fight for chained dogs would alone be enough stress for a lifetime. I'm sure there are thousands like me who have read of your trevails and admired you from afar thinking that what you do is sacred, essential work with undescribable value. Please hang in there Tammy. Keep doing what you do and surely if there is a heaven you have earned a holy place!