Tuesday, December 14, 2010

DDB Founder Announces Engagement

On a personal note, I'm thrilled to announce TO THE WORLD (Yes, I'd scream it from my rooftop if I had more neighbors and it wasn't 14 degrees outside - Not fit for dog NOR man) my engagement to Joe Horvath, an old friend and fellow Air Force member from way back. We first met back up via Facebook almost two years ago, and he has become not only my best friend and love of my life, but also an amazing volunteer asset to Dogs Deserve Better.

To be honest, when Joe came back into my life, I wasn't looking to date, because I was married to Dogs Deserve Better. I spent much of my time working or thinking about DDB and chained dogs, and I wasn't in the market for a relationship.

But Joe has not only made me realize I needed to make time for him, he took it a step further and made time for DDB.

He has poured concrete for a pad for the dogs off my back porch, heightened and made my fence more secure when dogs were escaping, built the 24 foot long Wall of Shame, edited and re-edited both Scream Like Banshee and Unchain My Heart, and took on every kind of immediate need DDB has had when he is in the vicinity.

Every woman deserves a man this loving and this good, and I consider myself entirely blessed to be able to share my life with him.

While the nuptials are still in negotiations, I have created a fundraising page in our Honor to raise funds for—of course—Dogs Deserve Better.

So if at any time in the following months you'd like to visit the page to see the wedding progress, below is a link, and I would be touched indeed if you wanted to donate to Dogs Deserve Better in honor of our wedding.


—Tamira Thayne, founder and CEO, Dogs Deserve Better

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