Saturday, January 20, 2007

Dogs Die at the End of Chains as Cold Sweeps the Nation

Dogs Die at the End of Chains as Cold Sweeps the Nation

Nonprofit Urges Citizens to Report Abuse/Media to Remind People to Bring Companions Out of the Cold

18 January, 2007, Altoona, PA — Dogs Deserve Better, a national nonprofit working to bring dogs into the home and family, has received reports of dogs dying as a result of being left chained or penned in frigid temperatures. "Two pitbulls were removed from a home in Boulder County, CO, last week after neighbors called animal control. The dogs had been left outside in extremely cold temperatures for several days. One of the dogs suffered from frostbite and the other had to be euthanized because of the severity of its injuries," the Boulder Humane Society said.

This scenario is repeating itself across America with dogs whose stories will never be told and whose deaths will go unnoticed, unmourned, and unjustified.

As cold sweeps as far south as Texas, San Antonio drew press reports of a dog chained outside without shelter. “He’s suffering. He cries a lot,” said neighbor Josie Jeffries, “At nighttime, he starts crying. And he’s not barking, he’s crying. Officers came and they saw the dog tied up outside freezing. They’ve talked to the owner and they won’t do anything about it,” said Jeffries.

The Animal Control officer decided the dog’s life "isn’t in danger by being outside"; however, just last Friday, January 12th, San Antonio was the site of a chained dog attack in which 10-year-old Amber Jones was killed by a chained dog she tried to untangle. Dogs chained outside are not only in danger of death by cold or other predators, but often present a danger in return to children around them.

Dogs Deserve Better implores those with dogs chained or penned to bring them into the home and family, and urges all citizens to report dogs who are suffering immediately. Do not stop trying to get help for the dog regardless; the dog’s life depends on it.

Dogs Deserve Better will aid any caretaker who agrees to bring his/her dog into the home and family. The organization will help with housetraining, purchase a crate for housetraining use, or donate fencing as funding permits. They ask all citizens to contact local TV and radio stations as a reminder to call for dogs to be brought out of the cold, and to ask these stations to run a free Public Service Announcement donated by the organization.

In an effort to help dogs suffering in the cold, the group has designated Valentine's Week, February 7-14th, "Have a Heart for Chained Dogs Week,” and will deliver a Valentine, a brochure and a treat coupon to dogs living outside all over the U.S. and into other countries where they have representation.

Tammy Grimes, founder of Dogs Deserve Better, states “I am in mourning for the senseless loss of the life of this dog, as well as the other nameless, faceless dogs dying in this cold. We must act together to stop the loss of life due to the negligence of chaining.”

To learn more about Dogs Deserve Better programs and services, visit the site at To learn more about the Mothers Against Dog Chaining program, visit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and wanted to say hello!
I'm a new rep for DDB....

Take care and very best :)